Resolution Abandonment Syndrome and how to overcome it
So a little earlier today, I was browsing facebook and I saw a post by Mike Gillette. If you are unfamiliar with him, he had been a bodyguard for Bill Gates and Sylvester Stallone, holds a couple of world records in various tough guy related feats and I once shared the stage with him along with other modern-day performing strongmen.
In his post he had mentioned that the turning of the new year represents a chance to reflect on various ways to improve, and people start out really wanting to make a change but most inevitably give up on their resolutions.
It’s true. Most people don’t achieve what they originally intended for various reasons. I’m not going to go into the reasons why they fail, but what I will do is present a way for you to actually make progress towards your goal…whatever you define it to be.
And speaking of that you’ll need to have something specific to work towards. If you don’t have a clear target to aim at, you won’t know if you are heading in the right direction.
I’ll use health and fitness as an example, one because “getting in shape” is commonly at the top of the new year’s resolutions list, and two because I’m a personal trainer with a personal training studio on Main Street in Boonton New Jersey…and getting people “in shape” is what I do.
First, you need to define what “in shape” actually means. Many times when people come to me, they just kind of have this vague notion of what they want. Figure out what you want, and figure out where you are compared to where you want to be. Do you need to lose fat…if so how much? 10lbs? 20lbs? 50lbs? These are all measurable. For getting stronger it’s easy. If the weights are getting heavier, or if a previously difficult weight becomes easy…you know you are getting stronger…ie making progress.
Then get a plan/system that will take you from where you are to where you want to be. Then simply follow the plan periodically checking what’s working and what isn’t along the way.
Now, something additional you can do that has been written in several books on success is to seek expert counsel, and/or a mastermind/accountability group. There is something about having an “authority” or someone that you have to answer to that can keep you on track en route to your goals. The other part, is the going can get tough sometimes and when that happens, some gentle encouragement can go a long way to helping you achieve what you set out to achieve.
I’ve had coaches in various aspects of what I do because I’m a big believer in seeking expert counsel. That’s how I got my world record. I also have accountability groups for both the entertainment business as well as my personal training business.
Now if you have a health and fitness resolution, I’d be more than happy to help you out. My personal training studio is on Main Street in Boonton and I offer a one week trial membership at no cost. This way you can test me out to see if you like working with me.
Call or text me at 973 476 5328 (text is usually easier for me) and just tell me who you are and what you’d like to accomplish to get started.
Eric Moss is a world-record-holding professional performing strongman, author, motivational speaker, and personal trainer. In the tradition of the strongmen during the turn of the century, he performs feats of strength such as bending steel and breaking chains as part of a show and speaks on goal achievement for corporations, nonprofits, government as well as for schools and universities. His exclusive personal training studio is located on Main Street in Boonton New Jersey, is close to Mountain Lakes, Denville, and Parsippany New Jersey.
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