How I decorate my Personal Training Studio in Boonton

In addition to being a performing strongman, I’m also a personal trainer located in Boonton. My personal training studio is right on Main Street across from the Boonton Holmes Library.

I oftentimes wonder how many people walk by the window of my personal training studio not knowing what the decor is all about. In fact I’ve had some conversations with some locals who had no idea what it was, so I’m guessing quite a few.

Well here is an explanation of what the chains are all about. They are in the window, and I plan on having more hang from beneath the lights.

When I was training with my first mentor, there was magic I felt when I was in his gym, and I think the bent steel bars and nail chains were part of that. I wanted to capture that feel for my gym and for my clients as well as myself because that is where I train. I also figured since there are several gyms in Boonton, this would be an easy way to distinguish myself besides getting people great results.

Oh and please don’t let the “hardcore dungeon” look of my place frighten you. I’m a really easy-going guy and I get people crazy results. Most recently one of my personal training clients told me he put on 20lbs of muscle training 3 times per week for 6 weeks when nothing else worked. And as a self-professed “nerd” he never dreaded training either. The programming was simply optimized to bring him the best results possible with what he currently is capable of.

If you want to try it out for yourself, I have a one week personal training free trial membership. Just text me at 973 476 5328 and introduce yourself to get started.

Eric Moss is a personal trainer in Boonton and doubles as a world-record-holding modern-day professional performing strongman, author, and motivational speaker. In the tradition of the strongmen more common during the turn of the century, he performs feats of strength such as bending steel and breaking chains as part of a show and speaks on goal achievement for corporations, nonprofits, government as well as for schools and universities. His exclusive personal training studio is located on Main Street in Boonton New Jersey, is close to Mountain Lakes, Denville, Montville and Parsippany New Jersey.

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