Author: Eric Moss
Birthday bathroom selfie 2024
It seems to happen on the same day every year…I turn 27…again. This time wasn’t terribly different than the year before, I worked since my wife is working and my kids are both in school this year. It was nice too since one of the people who visits me with her dog even brought me a slice of cake with a candle. We went out for Thai which I love, but hey that’s not actually the point of this post.
A while back I picked up some books by a coach named Dan John who picked up a tip from physical culture legend named Clarance Bass who would take an annual photo shoot around the time of his birthday. He did this in order to keep himself accountable for his health and physique. When I turned 40, knowing that we often start to lose muscle mass unless we actively do something about it and in order to stop myself from getting out of shape, I started doing the same thing in the form of a bathroom selfie.
Now you notice there isn’t a dramatic difference right? That’s kind of the point actually. You see people don’t get out of shape overnight. It creeps on a little bit at a time. Looking at this and knowing I have to do this every year helps me maintain the physique I’ve already built. Taking bathroom selfies is something I recommend to all people who come to me for training that want to transform their bodies.
You see that subtle change that happens overnight is hard to see. And when someone goes through a body transformation they are always looking for signs of progress, but every time you look in the mirror it resets that mental avatar you have of yourself and you won’t see it. I tell people, you don’t need to show me or anyone, that is purely there for you so you can see how far you’ve come. I know just from looking at the training numbers how far they’ve come but the mathematics behind it is something for another time.
I’m not going to lie, I was a little worried how it might turn out since I’ve gotten a taste for Manhattans and the various things I do with my Friday night chemistry experiments. Turned out better than I was expecting so I’m happy about that, I can continue doing what I do and living life to it’s fullest. Here’s to another year as a 27 year old 😛
One of my clients likes to quip that he wants to be old and agile, not old and fragile. We are all going to get older, but if you want to age with strength, I offer a free trial at my personal training studio on Main Street in Boonton. Just text me at 973 476 5328.
Eric Moss is a personal trainer in Boonton and moonlights as a world-record-holding modern-day professional performing strongman, author, and motivational speaker. In the tradition of the strength performers more common during the turn of the century, he performs feats of strength such as bending steel and breaking chains as part of a live show and travels across the country doing presentations on goal achievement for conferences, corporations, associations, nonprofits, and government entities as well as for schools and universities. His personal training studio is located on Main Street in Boonton New Jersey and is close to Mountain Lakes, Denville, Montville, Butler, and Parsippany New Jersey.
The success of a program is in the results it produces
I don’t normally like to poke fun at other personal trainer’s programs but sometimes I just can’t seem to help myself. I noticed there is a trend on youtube where “so and so reacts to insert celebrity names workout routine” usually in a non complimentary manner. In which I’d chime in saying that they don’t know the full story.
I mean, if those people saw my personal training clients bench pressing wooden dowels they might poke fun at it also, but the reality you can’t argue with the results my personal training clients get. One of my personal training clients today is bench pressing just 10lbs less than double his starting max for 47 reps in a 10min period. He made that progress in 8 months. You can’t argue with success.
Anyway, I was discussing a training program from admittedly someone I never met and they told me someone they know was being asked to bench press beyond what they are capable of and they’ve been sitting uncomfortably on a plateau for like a year.
So knowing this, I couldn’t help but chime in why what they are doing is…shall we say…less than optimal. Here is why…
Sure training to failure can produce some results in terms of building muscle. In fact for years, the advice that was typically given was to take your 10 rep max and attempt to do 12 reps. Yes you can build a bit of muscle but you hit a plateau relatively quickly at which point attempting to do more and force progress can lead to back tracking or injury. I prefer to allow progress.
When this person was asked why they have people train like that, they said people want to feel the burn.
“They’ve been training for a year and have nothing to show for it.”
How’s that for a burn?
See for me, if I’m going to dedicate time to doing something, I want to have something to show for it. If I’m training for a period of time, and I didn’t get stronger quite simply it didn’t work. If a program doesn’t work, I discard it.
And even if it did work, it won’t always work due to something called the law of accomodation which is just a way of your body saying “whatever this is, it won’t kill me so I don’t need to continue adapting”
That is why I’m always learning and writing new programs so I have a rolodex of programs to pull from. In fact earlier this week, I had saved a program on my phone for easy access for when the need arises. Got the necessary equipment in place for when it’s needed. This particular plan will have the training plan if all goes according to plan to keep someone’s bench press continually moving forward for the duration of a year. It is handy to me to have a full year of training plans figured out.
When someone hires me for training, it is my job to make sure they get results from the effort they put into it. I’m always watching to see if the plan is panning out the way I intended or if progress is starting to slow down, I switch it for something that does. That’s how results can continue to come for year after year.
If your training program is stagnating and you want to get result, I offer a free trial at my personal training studio on Main Street in Boonton. Just text me at 973 476 5328 and introduce yourself to get started.
Eric Moss is a personal trainer in Boonton and moonlights as a world-record-holding modern-day professional performing strongman, author, and motivational speaker. In the tradition of the strength performers more common during the turn of the century, he performs feats of strength such as bending steel and breaking chains as part of a live show and travels across the country doing presentations on goal achievement for conferences, corporations, associations, nonprofits, and government entities as well as for schools and universities. His personal training studio is located on Main Street in Boonton New Jersey and is close to Mountain Lakes, Denville, Montville, Butler, and Parsippany New Jersey.
How we can help kids be healthy
This morning, I took off from my personal training studio in Boonton. Normally I don’t take off but being a father of 2, I wanted to be able to see my kids off to their first day at school. As we stood there awaiting the bus, the allotted time went by. My wife texted one of the other moms, and found that the bus had already dropped the other kids off at school.
Did the bus forget about us? Nope.
Apparently nobody saw that the bus stop had changed. We had led our kids to the wrong bus stop.
And it makes me wonder, how often do we lead our kids in the wrong direction?
I remember as a kid, I played soccer…badly. The first team I was on, we didn’t win a single game but we all still received trophies at the end. I knew back then it was meaningless. A pat on the back for participating would have been enough rather than a shining glaring reminder of my ineptitude. Actually now that I reflect on that, maybe it was good in that I realized I needed to do better not for getting a trophy but for my own personal pride. But that’s another story for another time.
Reality is it is our jobs as parents to try to raise our kids to be the best versions of themselves. We rely on the school system to teach our kids some of the fundamentals of reading, writing and math, but what about the rest of it? Sure we have physical education and health class but considering the fact that childhood obesity is still climbing (though not as aggressively as in years past), I’d say we are leading our kids in the wrong direction.
So what’s the answer? Well I don’t know exactly but I’ll tell you what I’m doing. If you’ve read my stuff before, or you heard some of the things people say around town you might know that in addition to being a personal trainer, I’m also a motivational speaker and modern day performing strongman. Part of being a motivational speaker involves studying other motivational speakers and one line seems to stick out in this case.
“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” John Maxwell
You see kids look to us as role models for how to navigate their way through life, and the world can be a confusing place for them. They watch what we do, and they test us for consistency. If you aren’t prioritizing health and happiness for yourself, what kind of message does that send to the kids?
I train consistently, I eat balanced nutrition, I meditate, play music and generally live a healthy, happy and well balanced life. My wife works out first thing in the morning in our home and models it for our children as well. Our daughters try to wear her clothes however loose it might fit and attempt to lift things.
Every so often I take my girls to work with me, they interact with my personal training clients and occasionally test their strength. My daughter when she was 6 years old even lifted my 97lb kettlebell off the ground. All of this normalizes health and fitness and patterns in their head “this is what people do”.
To have healthy kids, we need to act as health role models for them. I know it can be confusing with all the conflicting info, but that’s what I’m here to teach. If you need hands on guidance, I offer a free trial at my personal training studio in Boonton. Just send me a text at 973 476 5328 and introduce yourself to get started.
Eric Moss is a personal trainer in Boonton and moonlights as a world-record-holding modern-day professional performing strongman, author, and motivational speaker. In the tradition of the strength performers more common during the turn of the century, he performs feats of strength such as bending steel and breaking chains as part of a live show and travels across the country doing presentations on goal achievement for conferences, corporations, associations, nonprofits, and government entities as well as for schools and universities. His personal training studio is located on Main Street in Boonton New Jersey and is close to Mountain Lakes, Denville, Montville, Butler, and Parsippany New Jersey.