How to Get “In Shape” in 2023 (myth-busting and info about how to design your own fitness program)
How to make 2023 your year
Well, 2023 is here, the new year has arrived and if you’re like many people, getting in shape nears the top of your new years resolution list. Also if you’re like many people, its appeared at the top of your list before but remains and unchecked box on your new years check list.

This year is going to be different though because I’m going to point you in the right direction. Will this be a step by step plan? Well sorta, but more like general guidelines that if you follow you can do great.
First, let’s set a couple things straight. A common mistake people try to do is “spot reduce” problem areas. A common example of this would be doing a bunch of ab exercises in an attempt to burn belly fat. Unfortunately it doesn’t really work that way so don’t do it.
Fortunately though you can spot enhance muscle development. Meaning you can do more curls to improve your biceps, or do heavier hip thrusts to build your glutes (the butt muscle).
So in order to get that the sought after lean, sculpted athletic appearance you should
- Develop the muscle in order to create toned muscle. (Through training)
- Get lean enough so the muscle won’t be covered up. (Through nutrition)
In reality, when people say that they want to be toned, what they’re actually looking for is building muscle and burning fat, just not to the extreme levels of body builders.
Now in order for this to happen, you’ll need to get leaner by taking control of your nutrition. The nutrition needs to do a couple things simultaneously. It needs to create a caloric deficit while simultaneously providing enough of the good stuff to rebuild your muscles while building health. I have plans for this, and I also have nutritionists, dietitians and functional medicine doctors in my network to help out when the big guns are needed.
With the nutrition in place, we’ll train for performance across a variety of exercises that hit the main movements categories.
At the base level for lifting, this would be:
- Upper body push (examples would be bench press, military press etc)
- Upper body pull (examples would be rowing, chin ups and lat pull downs etc.)
- Hip dominant (examples would be hip thrusts, deadlifts, kettlebell swings etc.)
- Knee dominant (examples could be barbell squats, goblet squats, front foot elevated split squats etc.)
Training those 4 key lifting movements will train all the muscles involved with them. As an example in the overhead press, you’re hitting shoulders, upper pecs, triceps, glutes, abs and many others. Getting the 4 main categories will ensure you’re making effective time of training and hitting the major muscle groups along with everything in between and ensures balance.
Now, with those 4 in place we would strive to get stronger across all of them. Why train for performance? Well generally that produces better results, and better enthusiasm for training. When you are training simply for aesthetics it’s hard to quantify results. Even supermodels have things about themselves they don’t like.
Meanwhile, doing more weight than you ever had before and repping out with it is easy to compare. Numbers are numbers after all.
Taking a bench press with a weight that someone could only do once at the beginning of a 12 week cycle and being able to do it for an easy “ish” set of 10 at the end of the cycle is an obvious improvement. In addition to that the best way to improve someones physique is to improve their max strength and do reps with it.
Strength has its own benefits too, like walking around with the “I got this” mindset and strength carries over to life in general, like throwing around your kids, drumming all night long, lifting critical care patients (one of my clients is a paramedic), martial arts, playing pickle ball or just having the physical capacity to do whatever makes you happy. Life isn’t meant to be observed from a chair. Life is for living, and it’s better when you have the physical capabilities to live it to its fullest.

Now, with the basic lifting movements in place you would apply a strategy of progressive overload. As in over time you add either more weight, more reps or ideally both. Like I said and it bares repeating the best way to improve your physique is to improve your max strength for reps. Keep in mind, it’s not going to be every session. It’s going to be over time.
With my personal training clients, after I’ve screened them to see what we can safely do, I come up with some exercises in the categories listed above, establish what their current capabilities are so I can get an idea of where I can start them to progress them optimally.
Then we start below their capabilities and expand outward until we sneak past their previous limits without them even realizing it.
Applying these strategies works for both men and women, younger or more life experienced.
I’ve applied this to regular people that just want to look better, perform better and feel better about themselves. I’ve applied it to athletes. I’ve applied it to nerds (their words not mine). I’ve applied it to touring musicians that needed to improve their capacity so they don’t lose a step. And I’ve applied it to national beauty contest winners who went on to go the distance at the international level (making history by being the only one representing Team USA to not only place but to come in 2nd)

It works for them, it’ll work for you too.
So let’s recap with a couple key elements. Get a nutrition plan that simultaneously burns the fat that covers your physique while providing the building blocks for muscle and health. Get a plan that covers the 4 main lifting movement categories and have a strategy of progressive overload to maximize your strength for reps. If you do it right you can have that body you’ve been dreaming about for the past couple years and depending on where you’re starting from you can get it before summer. Just have a look at some of my success stories and see how they did.
If you need help with this, I have a free trial at my personal training studio in Boonton. Just text me at 973 476 5328 to get started.
Eric Moss is a personal trainer in Boonton and moonlights as a world-record-holding modern-day professional performing strongman, author, and motivational speaker. In the tradition of the strongmen more common during the turn of the century, he performs feats of strength such as bending steel and breaking chains as part of a live show and speaks on goal achievement for corporations, associations, nonprofits, and government entities as well as for schools and universities. His personal training studio is located on Main Street in Boonton New Jersey and is close to Mountain Lakes, Denville, Montville, Butler, and Parsippany New Jersey.
12 reasons I love the kettlebell swing this season
“Bells will be swinging!” 🎵
Tis’ the season to be adding Christmas themes to the articles I write here and one of my personal training clients had recommended I write lists. No not the naughty or nice list either, we’ll leave that for the other guy 🎅
It is no secret that I love the kettlebell swing. Love kettlebells so much that I included it in my logo, and the kettlebell swing is one of if not the best exercise you can do with them. Here is a list of reasons why…#7 will shock you (jk…but not really…it might, that’s a play on clickbait articles)
On the first day of Christmas, the kettlebell swing gave to me, and my training clients.
A better butt. The swing when done properly is hip driven, ie a forceful contraction of the glutes. I used this with Jana (in addition to other exercises) and the results speak for themselves.

On the second day of Christmas the kettlebell swing gave to both me, and my training clients.
Abs, when done correctly the abs help brace the spine and work the way they were intended. You don’t feel them working, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t. A properly performed kettlebell swing can be described as a dynamic plank.
On the 3rd day of Christmas, the kettlebell swing gave to me.
Fat loss. Kettlebell training became famous for helping weight loss. A study done by the American Council on Exercise found certain protocols to burn 20 calories per minute. A friend of mine once got connected to pipes and tubes that can help determine how many calories it burns and burned up to 24 calories per minute. Below is a video of my friend Dave “The Iron Tamer” Whitley talking about it.
On the 4th day of Christmas, the kettlebell swing gave to me.
A stronger back, pain free. When Neal had been hit by a bus, the nature of his injuries forced him into a sedentary lifestyle. The kettlebell swing was the main thing that strengthened his back getting him out of pain and giving him his life back.
On the 5th day of Christmas, the kettlebell swing gave to me.
Cardiovascular fitness. The swing uniquely challenges the body in a way that doesn’t overload 1 single muscle group allowing the body to keep going without muscular failure, stopping only to catch your breath. You’ll find yourself with a full body pump and a tremendous cardiovascular workout.
On the 6th day of Christmas, the kettlebell swing gave to me.
Full body explosive power. The rhythm and hip drive in the kettlebell swing promotes explosive power without the impact of plyometric training. Like plyometrics the rhythm plays off of something called the myotatic stretch reflex, but without the impact and risk of box jumps. The explosive strength is phenomenal in areas of athletics and was a main stay with the athletes I train.
On the 7th day of Christmas the kettlebell swing gave to me.
Full body strength especially grip. The swing is a great way to strengthen your body head to toe especially grip due to the unique challenges from centripetal force. The kettlebell swing is trying to pull you this way and that, trying to pull free from you hands causing your muscles to react and subjected loads it can safely handle. In fact, I used heavy swings as a way to work up to holding back a high performance motorcycle.
On the 8th day of Christmas the kettlebell swing gave to me,
Stronger hamstrings. The hamstrings along with the glutes and abs work as a team in a properly performed kettlebell swing.
On the 9th day of Christmas the kettlebell swing gave to me
Incredible work capacity. For many of the reasons I mentioned so far, the kettlebell swing is phenomenal at giving you functional strength that lasts. I noticed this the first time when I helped a friend move. In fact now that I think of it, today (the day of writing this) is his birthday. Too bad I lost touch with him.
On the 10th day of Christmas, the kettlebell swing gave to me.
Fun workouts. The kettlebell swing when I first learned how to do it was a breath of fresh air from the same old same old that I was doing in my workouts. It added a spark into my training that helped reignite my love of training.
On the 11th day of Christmas the kettlebell swing gave to me.
Camaraderie. It’s hard to explain, but there is a camaraderie among both kettlebell instructors and those who like to train with them with hard style methods. I have made many friendships with swingers…no not the wife swapping kind either.
On the 12 day of Christmas the kettlebell swing gave to me.
A great way to train people in a new and interesting way that can help them become superhuman. When you swing a kettlebell properly you’ll know exactly how it can help you become the best version of you.
If you would like help with this, I have a free trial available at 973 476 5328. Just text me and introduce yourself sometime after the holidays. As important as this stuff is, it’s also important to enjoy your time with your family, eating, drinking and being merry. We can take care of the rest when the New Year hits.
Have a great holiday everyone!
Eric Moss is a personal trainer in Boonton and moonlights as a world-record-holding modern-day professional performing strongman, author, and motivational speaker. In the tradition of the strongmen more common during the turn of the century, he performs feats of strength such as bending steel and breaking chains as part of a live show and speaks on goal achievement for corporations, associations, nonprofits, and government entities as well as for schools and universities. His personal training studio is located on Main Street in Boonton New Jersey and is close to Mountain Lakes, Denville, Montville, Butler, and Parsippany New Jersey.
Highlights and behind the scenes from my strongman assembly at Oxford Central
If you’ve been following me for any length of time you might know that in addition to being a personal trainer with a personal training studio on Main Street in Boonton, that I’m also a modern day performing strongman which means I perform feats of strength as part of a live show. This helps me capture kids attention (adults too) so I can give them some words of encouragement as they chase their dreams.
Check out the highlights below.
If you are interested in training with me, I offer a free trial of my personal training program. Send me a text at 973 476 5328 to get started.
Eric Moss is a personal trainer in Boonton and moonlights as a world-record-holding modern-day professional performing strongman, author, and motivational speaker. In the tradition of the strongmen more common during the turn of the century, he performs feats of strength such as bending steel and breaking chains as part of a live show and speaks on goal achievement for corporations, associations, nonprofits, and government entities as well as for schools and universities. His personal training studio is located on Main Street in Boonton New Jersey and is close to Mountain Lakes, Denville, Montville, Butler, and Parsippany New Jersey.